Rabu, 21 November 2012

  • "they called us the betrayal, because we didn't follow them."
    - We never said someone / some community are our enemies / betrayer / traitor because of this.
    - We never force people to follow us.
    "@indo rockers : other than that are restricted/ no variation because its a culture"
    - http://forum.indorockers.com/t30-the-a-b-c
    - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5CF5BE6A7AEA5957
    "@indo rockers : there are no clasification , music other than trance and hard trance are restricted .. competition are restricted too ."
    - http://forum.indorockers.com/t81-style-classification
    - http://forum.indorockers.com/t529-indo-rockers-in-indonesia
    "@indo rockers : in choreography only use combination of basic move, never add other dance like electro dance/tecktonik,etc ."
    Truth(s) When did we ever say so?
    If you come to the meet up / our events you'll see how many people combining the melbourne shuffle with other dances.

    "@indo rockers : shuffle competition and battle are restricted. if we enter the competition or we do battle , they called 'teeny boopers/posers'"
    - We don't really care. We won't support any competition / battle in Indonesia because mostly they're doing it wrong (not a friendly competition).
    However, we never put any rules saying that you're not allowed to do it.
    - There is also one day, when two or more shuffle teams being involved in a real fight because of this kind of competition. We're simply trying to avoid that.
    - http://forum.indorockers.com/t28-what-are-the-differences-between-a-tb-an-a-true-rocker
    "@indo rockers : RAVE DANCE is other shuffle name. electro music are restricted"
    - We said, Melbourne Shuffle is a Rave Dance. Rave dances are Melbourne Shuffle, Liquid, etc.
    - http://forum.indorockers.com/t135-the-history-of-melbourne-shuffle
    "@indo rockers : there are many rules and we must follow them, if we didn't follow them , we are teeny boopers"
    - There are NO RULES in Indo Rockers.
    - Indo Rockers never force people to do something. We don't have any rights to tell people what to do about their life either, we ain't GOD.
    - Again, http://forum.indorockers.com/t28-what-are-the-differences-between-a-tb-an-a-true-rocker

    "@indo rockers : shuffle just only for express , there are no impress . "
    Truth(s) We said, Shuffle to Express not to Impress. It's a suggestion.

    "@indo rockers : back to basic , no variation."
    - We said, you can do whatever you like.
    - We also said, by adding some variations you won't look monotonous, which means better if you got more variations.

    "@ indo rockers : lot of restriction"
    Truth(s) What kind of restriction(s) since there are no rules? Please explain.

    "@ indo rockers : shuffle is just only one set of steps."
    - When did we ever say that?
    - http://forum.indorockers.com/t135-the-history-of-melbourne-shuffle
    - http://forum.indorockers.com/t30-the-a-b-c

    "@ indo rockers : never added a new steps (back to basic)"
    - Again, you can do whatever you like. Please provide us with the evidence if we ever say so.
    - And are these people only doing the basics? http://www.youtube.com/user/IndoRockersOfficial

Sejujurnya gw pribadi kurang paham maksud dari post dia itu apa..
Terlalu dramatis, kl boleh jujur.
Dan sbnrnya kalo mau dicari bukti-bukti ttg Indo Rockers, mungkin bisa tanya langsung sama orang-orang yang udah pernah ikut meet up / acara IR.
Gak ada yang ditutupin koq dari Indo Rockers sebenernya.

Kalo dibilang IR itu komunitas palsu, palsu dimananya?
Atau komunitas penipu? nipu dimananya?
Kalau gak percaya coba dateng ke salah satu acara yang diselenggarakan IR,
buktikan sendiri! :)

Haters will always exist, no matter what.
That's just the way that life goes.

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